Kamis, 27 Desember 2012


Kisah ini bermula di sebuah kota yang besar dan kaya, terletak dalam jalur urat nadi dunia pada waktu itu, pintu masuk ke Asia Kecil bernama Tarsus ibukota Kilikia yang sekarang bernama Turki. Tarsus dikenal sebagai pusat pendidikan dan filsafat.
Lahir seorang anak laki-laki bernama Saulus. Saulus merupakan keturunan raja Saul yang termasuk dalam bangsa YAhudi. Saulus terbiasa hidup dalam ketaatan dan kesetiaan kepada iman leluhurnya.
Saulus seorang yang pandai dan berpendidikan. Dia berguru hingga ke Yunani dan juga salah satu yang berpengaruh besar adalah Rabi GAmaliel. Ajaran Rabi Gamaliel sangat besar pengaruhnya bagi Saulus. HAti dan semangat Saulus berkobar dan semakin bergairah untuk menyebarluaskan ajaran Yahudi, melalui doktrin-doktrin yang telah ditanamkan terhadap Saulus oleh Rabi Gamaliel. Inilah awal Saulus sangat membenci orang-orang Kristen, yang dianggapnya menyelewengkan ajaran agama Yahudi yang dia anut.
Saulus bersama sepasukan tentaranya memporak-porandakan tempat ibadah jemaat Kristen, serta menyisir tiap sudut kota untuk menangkap dan membunuh siapa saja yang menjadi pengikut Kristus. Semua ditangkap dan dihabisi dengan pedangnya. Jerit tangis jemaat Kristen pecah, hanya ada terror dan pembantaian. RAtusan umat Kristen dibantai ditangkap dan disiksa hingga mati. Tak ada ampun dan tak ada belas kasihan. Di mata Saulus umat Kristen adalah orang sesat dan terkutuk yang patut untuk dimusnahkan. Siang malam para jemaat Kristen selalu dihantui dengan terror pembantaian.
Semangat Saulus yang masih membara dan semakin bergairah untuk memusnahkan para pengikut Kristus. Demi melancarkan aksinya dan ambisinya, Saulus menghadap Imam Besar dan meminta surat kuasa dari padanya untuk dibawa kepada majelis-majelis Yahudi di Damsyik. Surat ini memberikan kuasa kepada Saulus untuk menangkap para pengikut Kristus di Damsyik dan membawanya ke Yerusalem.
Saulus dengan kuasa penuh dari Imam Besar, berjalan bersama sepasukan prajuritnya menuju ke Kota Damsyik.
Namun di tengah perjalanan Yesus menyapa Saulus dengan sinar yang sangat terang benderang yang memancar dari langit. Saulus langsung jatuh tersungkur dari atas kudanya dan seketika itu pandangan Saulus mulai gelap dan buta.
·         Terdengar kata : “Saulus, Saulus, mengapakah engkau menganiaya Aku?”
·         Saulus pun menjawabnya dengan keheranan: “Siapakah Engkau, Tuhan?”
·         Lalu Yesus Bersabda “Akulah Yesus yang kau aniaya itu. Tetapi bangunlah dan pergilah ke dalam kota, di sana akan dikatakan kepadamu apa yang harus kau perbuat.”
            Saulus dengan payahnya bangun dengan dibantu beberapa pengawalnya yang berada di situ dengan masih ketakutan menyaksikan kejadian tersebut, Sedangkan pasukan lainnya kocar-kacir ketakutan melihat kejadian tersebut.
            Dengan dibantu beberapa pengawalnya Saulus smapilah ke Kota damsyik dan menginap di rumah Yudas selama 3 hari. Hari-hari saulus diratapi dengan tangis pertobatan dan penyesalan, hingga tidak minum dan tidak makan. Saulus hanya mampu berdoa dan menunggu sebuah jawaban dari Yesus.
            Di lain tempat, Yesus menampakan diri kepada salah seorang muridnya. Ananias!
Ini aku Tuhan, jawabnya
·         Firman Tuhan kepadanya, Mari, pergilah ke jalan yang bernama jalan lurus dan carilah di rumah Yudas seorang Tarsus yang bernama Saulus, Ia sekarang berdoa dan dalam penglihatannya ia melihat bahwa seseorang bernama Ananias menumpangkan tangannya di atas kepalanya supaya dia dapat melihat lagi.
·         Jawab Ananias : Tuhan, dari banyak orang yang ku dengar tentang dia, betapa banyaknya kejahatan yang dilakukannya terhadap orang-orang kudus-mu di Yerusalem. Dan ia mendapatkan kuasa penuh oleh imam-imam kepala untuk menangkap semua orang yang menyebut nama-Mu
·         Namun fiman Tuhan kepadanya : “Pergilah, sebab orang ini adalah alat pilihan bagi-Ku untuk memberitakan nama-Ku kepada bangsa-bangsa lain serta raja-raja dan orang-orang Israel. Aku sendiri yang akan menunjukan kepadanya betapa banyak yang harus ia tanggung oleh karena nama-Ku”
Ananias melakukan apa yang Tuhan telah firmankan dalam penglihatannya. Ia masuk ke dalam rumah Yudas dan menumpangkan tangannya ke atas Saulus dan berkata : “Saulus, saudaraku, Tuhan telah menampakan diri kepadamu di jalan yang engkau lalui, telah menyuruh aku kepadamu, supaya engkau dapat melihat lagi dan penuh dengan Roh Kudus.”
Seketika itu pula mata saulus mulai terang dan dapat melihat kembali. Dengan penuh sukacita dan kegembiraan Saulus bangun lalu meminta untuk dibabtis. Dan semenjak itulah Saulus berubah menjadi Paulus. Seorang pribadi yang baru, yang penuh dengan kuasa Roh Kudus dan dipersiapkan Tuhan untuk memberitakan nama Tuhan dan ajaran Kasihnya.
Paulus yang telah menjadi murid Tuhan dan mengakui bahwa Yesus adalah Mesias, bergabung bersama-murid-murid lain, namun para murid takut kepadanya karna masa lalunya sebagai pembantai murid Tuhan. Namun, Barnabas seorang murid Tuhan mendekati Paulus serta membentunya untuk dapat diterima diantara para murid Tuhan. Jemaat di Yudea Galilea dan Samaria berada dalam damai dan jumlahnya makin bertambah…


1.1.  Background
Tourism Sector is a field that is in high demand by the international community today. Asia, especially the ASEAN region has a warm tropical climate to be the charm for the tourists, especially from the Western countries to seek warmer temperatures in the ASEAN region. Tourism in the region are very famous in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
Territory of the Republic of Indonesia into the ASEAN and the world tourist destinations, has many tourism potential. Various things you want nearly everything there is in Indonesia. Want traveled shopping, Indonesia has a diverse art market (Sukowati, Malioboro, etc.), the famous wholesale market and assessed the largest se Asean (Tanah Abang), Factory outlets are spread in Bandung and surrounding areas. Want traveled nature, Indonesia has a range of alternatives ranging from mountains, mountains, lakes, beaches, marine tourism. Indonesia is rich in art and cultural diversity can be a fascinating tourist blistering power. When compared with neighboring countries Malaysia, Indonesia's tourism potential of higher quality and is sold, but in an assessment of the report World Economic Forum titled "The ASEAN Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2012", Indonesia recorded only has three advantages over the neighbor country, Malaysia. Indonesia excels in the factors of safety and security, natural resources, and priority sectors of travel and tourism. Indonesia has received bad judgments especially in the promotion, infrastructure, and government policies
Looking at some of the above phenomenon, so in this paper takes the theme of "Comparative Tourism Indonesia and Malaysia".

1.2.       Problem Formulation
Based on the background mentioned above, the writer can formulate a problem, the state tourism comparisons How Indonesia and Malaysia?

A more complete definition, tourism is a service industry. They handle services ranging from transportation, hospitality services, shelter, food, beverage, and other related services such as banking, insurance, security, etc.. It also offers a place of rest, culture, escape, adventure, and new experiences and different others.
Analyzes used in the discussion of this paper is more directed at the implementation of tourism programs in Indonesia and Malaysia. The technique used is to compare the differences (Most different systems design / MDSD) implementation of tourism in both countries.
2.1.       Indonesia and Malaysia Tourism Promotion
Promotion of tourism between Indonesia and Malaysia that Malaysia is superior in 2011, Malaysia is able to record the number of tourist arrivals to 24.71 million, while Indonesia only 7.65 million people. Many people found that promotion or availability of information is very weak compared Indonesia Malaysia.
Tourist or traveler difficulty accessing the information to travel to Indonesia, and Malaysia to access and easier to get pretty full. This information not only through the internet only but a guide book tour in Malaysia are distributed free of charge by the Malaysian government in the area of ​​hospitality, airports, restaurants, markets, etc. where it is a place where tourists entered Malaysia and strategic activity. Including the holding of mass media and especially the world of tourism businesses to work together to promote tourism in Malaysia as the government claimed input Malaysia's largest state budget.
The Indonesian government does not apply the same to advertise its tourism to tourists, it is the promotion of slow and only a few sights are able to appeal. Indonesia only do promotion through exhibitions of International tourism. The mass media also rarely show tourist destinations in Indonesia and diverse beauty.

2.2.       Infrastructure Tourism Indonesia and Malaysia
Indonesia Country wide area beyond the area of ​​Malaysia, its natural charm as well as more alternative than Malaysia, but Malaysia was able to attract tourists traveled in Malaysia. Indonesia has a very beautiful tourist place in Raja Ampat, however famous for its price is very expensive. This occurs because the infrastructure of Indonesia who have not been able to reach the entire region, especially with the potential of tourism. Infrastructure is here structuring tourist location, organizing the road to the location, as well as the existing infrastructure. Indonesia is very difficult to implement a system for the development of tourism packages. The problem faced difficult to reach areas, the lack of means of transport and regulation are still poorly tourist sites.
Country Malaysia with a smaller area of ​​Indonesia and tourist destinations of Indonesia less able to manage and develop their potential to attract tourists traveled to Malaysia. Malaysia uses the system package where tourists can enjoy a package tour in Malaysia with 1 times pay and a relatively close distance between one place to another place. This is supported by adequate transportation facilities, arrangement of tourist destinations that are certain areas so that it becomes a "complex" tours and tourist sites clean and orderly.
The difference is very apparent here is the world's transportation infrastructure supporting tourism in Indonesia and Malaysia. Indonesia is trying to improve and develop the airport entrance just as tourists, but less attention to other modes of transport such as port terminals, stations. For example, when tourists will vacation to the island of Java Karimun if directly from the Port Tanjungmas Semarang. Ports Tanjungmas concern, dirty, and submerged rob, and used boats to cross to get to Karimun Jawa less comfortable and less enjoyable for tourists will add a bad image of Indonesia's tourism infrastructure. Negara Malaysia has to clean up the transport sector such as supporting tourism train that was clean and convenient to use for the location of the desired type. Public buses in Malaysia. Not too long "ngetem" or wait for passengers on the highway, the bus has been facilitated with AC or air conditioning, comfortable for passengers using public buses to tour a la "backpacker"
2.3.       Tourism policy of the Government of Indonesia and Malaysia
State of Indonesia is very famous for its inconsistent policies. Replace ministerial policy change. This is the weakness of Indonesia's tourism policy. As we know in 2009, Indonesia has the slogan Visit Indonesia, in 2011 changed to Wonderful Indonesia. Substitution slogan will be ineffective and inefficient if only a change of slogan no corrective action or the development of Indonesian tourism and will confuse the international and national markets to branding or the new slogan. These changes will take a lot of time to reintroduce slogan or branding Indonesia travel on international and national tourism market. Costs incurred will also burden the employers in the field of tourism in Indonesia as well as governments. Costs to promote another new branding and changes promotional documents previously. Industry sectors such as tourism a leading travel Indonesia Visit Indonesia slogan stuck in the body of the bus or their car as promotional efforts should be re-painted or alter the images in bus body becomes Wonderful Indonesia.
Country Malaysia possess a tour Malaysia Truly Asia slogan that has existed since 1996 and was awarded as the 'Best Long Term Marketing and Branding Campaign Gold Awards' at the Asian Marketing Effectiveness Awards 2008. The slogan is considered the most successful slogan in Asia. The Malaysian government in 1996 made ​​enough slogan to be marketed to the international and national markets as Malaysia travel advertising. In the next administration does not change the slogan or brand ads, but continues to improve and develop the Malaysian tourism industry to better attract tourists to visit Malaysia. So tourism Malaysia become more effective and efficient.

3.       CLOSING
Conclusion Comparative of The Tourism Indonesia and Malaysia are the three variable ratio Indonesia lost to Malaysia tourism. The weak role of government in promoting and developing the world through the eyes of the national tourism promotions, improved tourism infrastructure, and policies related to the Indonesian tourism.
Advice given Indonesia has a huge tourism potential than Malaysia should be able to manage the tourism potential. Management and improvement of infrastructure is very important and urgent at this time to attract new tourists to suggest that offering the his partner and future trips to Indonesia. There needs to be an active government role in developing tourism in Indonesia by creating diverse forms of media campaigns and promotions to reach all people in order to be a strong impact on tourists visits increased. Policies are consistent with the world of tourism and has a vision of future for the design of the Indonesian tourism in order to better


http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia accessed on 20 November 2012

accessed 25 November 2012